Etiqueta electrónica de gestión de joyas RFID

RFID Jewelry Tag is a global frequency compliance with EPC Global Class 1 Gen 2 and ISO-18000 6C. The tag shows unprecedented performance over the entire band width of 860-960MHz and it is reliable in dense RF environments, thereby increasing the read rates in densely packed cases. It features 96 to 128bit EPC number, and 32-bit TID with a tamper proof design. Anti-collision allows multiple amounts of jewelry tags to be read in the field at the same time. However, the reader can be set to find a single tag as well.


1) Largo alcance de lectura: la distancia de lectura promedio alcanza hasta 4 m

2) Rendimiento estable

3) Material de superficie impermeable

4) Pegamento adhesivo fuerte


Chip: HF, UHF disponible

Frecuencia: 860-960 MHz (EPC Global Clase 1 Gen 2), 13,56 MHz

Protocolo: UHF: ISO 18000-6C, HF: ISO15693

Material: papel, papel estucado, PET o personalizado

Formato: etiqueta flexible RFID, etiqueta dura RFID

Impresión:Impresión personalizada

Rango de lectura: HF: 2 ~ 5 cm/UHF: 0 ~ 2 m

Personalización:Impresión, Codificación, Número de Serie, Diseño, etc.

Temperatura de funcionamiento: -0 ~ 60°C

Humedad de funcionamiento: 20% ~ 80% RH

Temperatura de almacenamiento: 20 ~ 30°C

Humedad de almacenamiento: 20% ~ 60% RH


· Gestión de Joyas

· Gestión de gafas de sol

· Gestión de Lujo

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system 2

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system 3

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system 4

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system 5

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system 6

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system 7

RFID jewelry management electronic tag UHF Anti-theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Label Jewelry Security Tags for Jewelry management system 8


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